Each small image is repeated in both axes to form the background. The original two images form a stero pair. Each right image is also adjacent to next left one which creates an inverse stereo pair.
To speed up the change between examples, all the images are pre-loaded. Let me know if you have any delays changing images.
If you have difficulty, it may be worth checking that your eyes are roughly balanced. (Note: It may be hard or impossible if you are wearing special glasses, or contact lenses, where one lens is set for distant viewing and the other for reading.) While looking at the Stereo Page, use your two hands to quickly cover first one eye and then the other. As you alternate between one and the other there should be little or no difference in what you see.
Next, hold up a pencil point about a foot away from your face with a bright scene in the distance. Gaze at the pencil point and move it slowly closer and further away, you should be aware of two scenes in the background. Alternatively gaze at the scene and you should be aware of two pencils in the foreground.
If you pass both of these "tests", it implies that both eyes are seeing more or less equally well and it should be possible for you to achieve the stereo effect.
The image consists of a stereo pair, one for the left eye and one for the right. It is composed of pairs of different small details. One member of each these pairs has been moved slightly to the left or right. The brain fuses these images and interprets the result as a stereo object; the spacing determines whether the object appears to be close to you or more distant.
However, because the stereo pair is repeated, a series of alternating pairs is created. If the original pairing makes an object appear closer to you, the next pairing makes it appear further away. The pattern is repeated across the page for every detail on the page: close, far, close far, etc.
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Updated Mar 6, 2010 |